
Saturday, October 15, 2011

China wil Europa financieel steunen

China wil Europa financieel steunen LONDEN (ANP) - Chinese overheidsvertegenwoordigers hebben tijdens de bijeenkomst van de ministers van Financiën van de G20, afgelopen zaterdag, gezegd dat ze tientallen miljarden in de eurozone willen pompen. Dat schrijft de Sunday Times op basis van ... China wil Europa financieel steunen


中国阳光私募基金排行榜9月榜单点评 随着股市这一轮的单边下跌,由于公募基金有仓位限制,受伤最重。而对于私募来说,弱市中仓位的灵活机动,对于市场嗅觉比较敏感的私募,是一次跑赢市场的大好机会。当然,也有一半以上的私募不幸损失. 9月大盘正好处于下 ... 中国阳光私募基金排行榜9月榜单点评

Trichet: l'euro "pas menacé" par la crise, mais "il faut changer le traité"

Trichet: l'euro "pas menacé" par la crise, mais "il faut changer le traité" Le président de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) Jean-Claude Trichet a récusé dimanche l'idée que l'euro soit "menacé" par la crise de la dette, mais a plaidé pour une réforme des traités de l'UE pour empêcher que les dérapages d'un pays de la zone ... Trichet: l'euro "pas menacé" par la crise, mais "il faut changer le traité"

Women's Championship in Korea LPGA 100 choenayeon 번째

Women's Championship in Korea LPGA 100 choenayeon 번째 (AP) reporter = choenayeon choetaeyong (24 · SK Telecom, Konkuk University, Physical Education 4) The U.S. women's golf (LPGA) Tour resigned Dhabi tournament up to the top of Korea (continued) 100th career LPGA tournament players championship protagonists of has become. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 16th choenayeoneun Golf Course (par 71.6 1208 ...Women's Championship in Korea LPGA 100 choenayeon 번째

광해관리公, 3년 공들인 베트남 광해방지 시장 진출

광해관리公, 3년 공들인 베트남 광해방지 시장 진출 지난 2009년 대통령 순방 시 지식경제부와 베트남 산업무역부간 광해관리 관련 양해각서를 체결한 지 3년만의 결실이다. 광해관리공단은 권혁인 공단 이사장이 지난 14일(현지시간) 베트남 석탄광물공사에서 쩐 수안 호아(Tran Xuan Hoa) 공사 사장과 광해방지 기술 ... 광해관리公, 3년 공들인 베트남 광해방지 시장 진출

Chonnam National Department of Education, "Education Report reward absurd" to pay

Chonnam National Department of Education, "Education Report reward absurd" to pay Department of Jeollanam-do news gimyongje now the field of education to pay the reward to the notifier in the absurdity decided. Chonnam National Department of Education officials to combat absurdity "clean and trusted, Chonnam National Education 'last 14 days in order to realize the absurdity Report Review Committee held compensation payments, and education for the first time this year ...Chonnam National Department of Education, "Education Report reward absurd" to pay

Un superhéroe en problemas

Un superhéroe en problemas Nadie ha dicho que el de superhéroe sea un trabajo sencillo. Hay gente con facilidad natural para ello, gracias a algún superpoder que allana el camino: cuando uno es capaz de volar, lanzar bolas de fuego o hacerse invisible, los villanos e incluso los ... Un superhéroe en problemas

墨总统呼吁打击涉毒暴力犯罪 称东部州落毒贩手

墨总统呼吁打击涉毒暴力犯罪 称东部州落毒贩手 据新华社电墨西哥总统卡尔德龙14日说,东部韦拉克鲁斯州已"落入塞塔贩毒集团手中"。 卡尔德龙在首都墨西哥城参加一项呼吁打击涉毒暴力犯罪的活动,他说:"我不知道(韦拉克鲁斯州)是否自愿……希望不是。" 韦拉克鲁斯 ... 墨总统呼吁打击涉毒暴力犯罪 称东部州落毒贩手

Short Animation "Kayoe! University Notes" and "Hyadain" a collaboration!

Short Animation "Kayoe! University Notes" and "Hyadain" a collaboration! Short animation of TV & Facebook expand Tokai "Kayoe! Science Notes" (aka "Kayo Chu"), but up and coming artists "Hyadain" plays a rainy day and collaboration? ... Read the full news "SKET DANCE" being held around the right song ED Theme Character Battle! ...Short Animation "Kayoe! University Notes" and "Hyadain" a collaboration!

«المكاتب الهندسية» تعتصم امام رئاسة الوزراء الأربعاء للمطالبة بنظام خاص

«المكاتب الهندسية» تعتصم امام رئاسة الوزراء الأربعاء للمطالبة بنظام خاص قال عضو مجلس هيئة المكاتب الهندسية قاهر صفا ان مجلس الهيئة سيعتصم امام رئاسة الوزراء الاربعاء المقبل للمطالبة بنظام خاص وشكل لجنة من ثلاثة اعضاء لمتابعة مستجدات موضوع الخلاف مع مجلس نقابة المهندسين حول النظام. وقال في تصريح صحافي امس ان مجلس الهيئة ... «المكاتب الهندسية» تعتصم امام رئاسة الوزراء الأربعاء للمطالبة بنظام خاص

New York protesters clashed with police in Wall Street (1 / 8)

New York protesters clashed with police in Wall Street (1 / 8) China news agency, New York, October 14 - Local time on October 14, a large number of "occupied Wall Street," demonstrators attack the United States, Wall Street financial center, and the tense confrontation with the police clashed violently with China news agency reporters Quan Cheng and Mu Ji. Demonstrators that day was originally to engage in "victory parade" to mark the battle with the authorities ...New York protesters clashed with police in Wall Street (1 / 8)

Winning numbers drawn in 'DC 5 Midday' game

Winning numbers drawn in 'DC 5 Midday' game By AP, WASHINGTON — The winning numbers in Saturday afternoon's drawing of the Dist. of Columbia Lottery's "DC 5 Midday" game were: Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or ... Winning numbers drawn in 'DC 5 Midday' game

Indignati: Vendola, a Roma due cortei black block contro manifestanti

Indignati: Vendola, a Roma due cortei black block contro manifestanti Roma, 15 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Oggi a Roma sono andate in scena due manifestazioni. Una e' quella meravigliosa di centinaia di migliaia di persone che hanno lavorato per portare i loro simboli, per manifestare pacificamente lo spirito di rivolta contro ... Indignati: Vendola, a Roma due cortei black block contro manifestanti

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